OPEN SCIENCE: From theory to practice. Experience of the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia
Share the Open Science experience developed by the University of Rosario in Colombia, an activity that has been developing since 2016.
Promoting open science is part of the commitment of the University of Rosario to the development of high-quality research, with an inclusive, collaborative and transparent approach that generates a significant and relevant impact for society. In this scenario, the University has developed a process of reflection and institutional discussion to learn about the needs, priorities, interests and expectations and define the objectives, challenges and actions to be followed by researchers and other actors in the community around open science. As a result, an institutional framework has been proposed, through which the University of Rosario delivers to the academic community the “practical landing” of open science guidelines in the context of a Higher Education Institution (HEI). https://cienciaabierta.urosario.edu.co
This webinar is 100% virtual and is intended for library staff, directors, collection development staff, information professionals, and academic researchers interested in the development of open access and its impact on digital collection development.