Globally Networked Learning York University Resources
Assessing Collaborative Online International Learning Courses (COIL)
HUC Webinar COIL: Real Life Experiences in Virtual Collaboration
HUC Webinar COIL: Experiencias de Vivir la Colaboración Virtual
Webinar COIL: Implementación de Internacionalización en Salud para Docentes UC
Webinar COIL: Experiencia Global de Internacionalización
Fundamentos COIL – Colaboración Internacional en Línea
The SAMR Model
Good technology integration isn’t about using the fanciest tool, it’s about being aware of the range of options and picking the right strategy. A powerful conceptual tool to think about technology integration is the SAMR model, a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration.
The model was created to share a common language across disciplines as teachers strive to personalize learning and help students visualize complex concepts. The SAMR Model can be especially powerful during remote and blended learning like COIL when integrated classroom technology makes teaching and learning a more seamless experience for educators and students.

1. What is COIL?
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an approach that, as part of your class, connects students and teachers from different cultures to learn, discuss and collaborate with each other. The teachers participate in the design of the experience and the students in the execution of the designed activities. COIL becomes part of the class, allowing all students to have a meaningful cross-cultural experience within their course of study.
2. I am interested in doing COIL, what steps should I follow?
To move forward, it is important that the partners discuss which module or unit of the course COIL can be introduced to define the future activities to be designed together. It is important to always follow the instructions given by the international offices or other entities within the university itself regarding the implementation of a COIL module.
3. How can I get a partner to COIL?
We recommend contacting the person in charge of the COIL courses or international relations at your university to start the search for a partner. Likewise, it is possible to consult with other academics from different universities if they are interested in developing COIL and inform your university.
4. Should the partners be from the same discipline?
It may be, however, the objective of COIL is to promote interdisciplinary collaboration with partners from different areas, so it is not a requirement that both academics be from the same discipline.
5. How long does it take to develop a COIL?
COIL proposes a structure of 5 to 15 weeks, but it is up to each pair of academics to establish the duration of the collaboration, which is generally associated with the duration of the course module in which COIL will be implemented.
Even so, it is recommended that it not be less than 4 weeks.
6. In what language can COIL be performed?
COIL allows to be implemented in any language. However, it is recommended that you choose a language of interaction that the students handle fluently to communicate without problem during the development of the collaboration.
7. Do I have to use a particular platform?
No. All types of platforms can be used, especially those that best suit the interests of collaborating academics and students. It is recommended to check with the respective COIL contact or international relations of your university if there is any preference for a particular technological platform.
8. I am not fluent in English, can I participate in COIL?
Yes, COIL does not require fluency in English since the collaboration can be in other languages.
9. What benefits are there to participating in COIL?
Participating in COIL can generate new opportunities for connections with other institutions, development of teaching skills, deepening internationalization and the development of global skills within the classroom. Similarly, it allows exploring other teaching methodologies that encourage active learning in students and their active participation with international peers.
10. Can this collaboration be developed with more than one partner?
COIL does not limit the number of peers to collaborate. However, it is suggested that fluid communication be maintained between teachers, so that collaboration is as profitable as possible.
11. Is it necessary for my university to have an agreement in order to participate in COIL?
Not necessarily, since COIL can be started through contacts between academics from different universities, where there is not necessarily an agreement at the institutional level.
12. Does my university have to belong to the Hemispheric University Consortium network to participate in COIL?
Yes, the institutions that belong to the Hemispheric University Consortium network encourage their academics to develop collaborations with peers from the other universities that make up the network. Check with the COIL or international relations professional at your university for other collaboration opportunities.
13. What activities can I carry out to implement COIL?
It will depend on the objectives you wish to address through the implementation of COIL. Some suggestions according to the phases of COIL are the following:
A. Team building phase includes presentations and icebreakers, along with discussions and other activities designed to help students become familiar and comfortable working with each other online and with other cultures.
B. The next phase includes comparative discussions and the organization of the project that the student teams will work on. This stage prepares students for effective team project work.
C. The project phase focuses on the main activity for the collaboration. When students apply their knowledge, create something together, or have important discussions around the topic of collaboration.
D. The final phase consists of a presentation of the work carried out (in any format agreed by the collaborating teachers), the reflection on both the content of the module and the intercultural aspects of the collaboration, and the conclusion.
14. Can collaborations be developed with different time zones?
Yes. Different time zones are not an impediment for teachers and students to communicate and collaborate with colleagues from all over the world. The balance between synchronous and asynchronous activities is crucial for the success of COIL, since students will not always have the opportunity to meet synchronously. Instead, faculty promote synchronous meeting schedules at times that are mutually convenient, in addition to using tools that allow for dialogue and asynchronous work.
15. What is the maximum number of students that can participate?
There is no maximum number of students, however, it is recommended that all students be able to participate and collaborate with their peers. In addition, that the number of participants is similar for both institutions.
16. How is the qualification of the participating students carried out?
Each academic is responsible for qualifying the group of students from their own institution. It is not necessary to use the grade or credit conversion scales, since it is the academic responsible for their subject who verifies that the students carry out the pertinent activities and evaluates their performance.