Support for research in university libraries: Strategic information for research management through bibliometric reports and technological surveillance



Share the experience of the Libraries of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in support of research and publication.



We seek to share the experience of the Libraries of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in support of research and publication. With special emphasis on the new specialized services unit, which provides strategic information to support the management of academic research at the university, including a gender perspective and identifying its social impact, through the Sustainable Development Goals. Technological surveillance is a systematic and organized process that requires information retrieval activities, analysis and dissemination of relevant topics and facts, with the aim of exploring opportunities or threats that facilitate decision-making and anticipate changes. https://guiastematicas.bibliotecas.uc.cl/boletindevt


This webinar is 100% virtual and is intended for library staff, directors, collection development staff, information professionals, and academic researchers interested in the development of open access and its impact on digital collection development.

Paola Santander

Coordinadora del Comité de Investigación y Publicación Académica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Patricio Cortés

Jefe de la Unidad de Información Estratégica Científica y Tecnológica de Bibliotecas UC

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Denise Depoortere

Subdirectora de Bibliotecas y Servicios

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


April 28, 2022