The librarian power and the SDGs: Leaving no one behind
A global approach based on experience elevating the work of libraries related to the SDGs will be shared at the UN and in countries in different parts of the world.
Aspects in the Latin American and Caribbean region will be addressed in areas within the SDG portfolio where libraries are collaborating for a better world, such as: public health, climate change, business entrepreneurship and inclusive innovation, crime and corruption, and innovation. technological.
This webinar is 100% virtual and is intended for library staff, directors, collection development staff, information professionals, and academic researchers interested in the development of open access and its impact on digital collection development.
Exhibitor´s Profile:
Loida Garcia-Febo, is an international library consultant expert in library services to diverse populations and human rights. President of the American Library Association 2018-2019. At IFLA: Governing Board 2013-2017, Co-Founder of New Professionals, two-term Member/Expert resource person of FAIFE, two-term member of CPDWL. Currently: CPDWL Consultant, Info Coordinator of the Management of Library Associations Section. Currently at ALA: Chair, ALA UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Task Force (2020-2021) and Chair, Women’s Issues in Librarianship.

Loida Garcia-Febo
International Library Consultant