Mentalidad Infinita

Mentalidad Infinita

By Dr. Pablo Carrera, Profesor CADE, Universidad San Francisco de Quito ¡Abril 2024 no pudo ser mejor!, la experiencia inmejorable; ser parte de una comunidad internacional de universidades de mucho prestigio en la región y además ser protagonistas en concursos...
The 9th CIIE of Tecnológico de Monterrey receives leaders and experts to address the keys to the future of education and co-construct together the future of educational innovation in the hemispheric

The 9th CIIE of Tecnológico de Monterrey receives leaders and experts to address the keys to the future of education and co-construct together the future of educational innovation in the hemispheric

During the 9th International Conference on Educational Innovation (CIIE – Congreso International de Innovación Educativa) of Tecnológico de Monterrey, members of the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC) participated in different events and held meetings to...