The initiative will bring together a series of leaders and experts from the 13 higher education institutions that are part of this network in fields such as research, social entrepreneurship, online international cooperation learning, libraries and communications. The program will be available on the HUC website and will be presented on Friday, December 16.


To contribute to collaborative networking and the development of new knowledge, the Hemispheric University Consortium, an alliance of higher education institutions will launch a new program called “HUC Fellows.” This initiative will bring together about 170 leaders and experts from the 13 universities of the American continent that are part of the consortium in areas such as research, social entrepreneurship, international online collaborative learning, libraries, and communications.


The new platform will be available on the HUC website  and will be presented at an event this Friday, December 16, in which representatives of the universities that make up the network will participate, including Universidad Austral (Argentina), University of Miami (United States), York University (Canada), The University of the West Indies (Caribbean), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), Universidad de Costa Rica, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dominican Republic), Universidad San Francisco of Quito (Ecuador), Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.

“HUC Fellows is a new project developed by our consortium that will help the experts participating in the different working groups to meet, to collaborate in a network, advise on various strategic issues for universities and thus contribute to the generation of new knowledge” explains Gabriela Gerón, executive director of the Hemispheric University Consortium.


The platform will include representatives from five working groups that currently operate closely within the network. Among these is the HUC Global Learning Experiences and Engagement (formerly HUC COIL), which fosters collaboration between faculty and students of the consortium, HUC faculty and students through virtual teaching alternatives and educational programs (virtual student mobility, virtual exchange, COIL, among others). Members of the HUC Platform for Innovation and Research (HUC PIR), which promotes collaboration between universities to increase the quality and scope of education and research, thus managing to develop innovative solutions with impact for social challenges facing the region and the world. The representatives of the HUC Social Entrepreneurship Collaborative Center (HUC SECC), will integrate the HUC Fellows initiative. HUC SECC is an applied research center created to take advantage of the concepts and principles of social entrepreneurship as a transforming engine of change in the societies of the hemisphere and to identify opportunities to put entrepreneurship into practice in different sectors.


Among the fellows will also be the participants of the HUC Library Network, which coordinates the activities of the consortium’s associated libraries and which facilitates collaboration for research and the exchange of tools and information resources in various fields. Likewise, the new platform will be integrated by those who are part of the HUC Communications. The objective of this team is through cooperation and exchange of communication resources to contribute to the dissemination of the initiatives promoted by the consortium.


Watch out the HUC Fellows video: