Evolution of the Digital Library: Learning styles and information consumption preferences
The academic library seeks to facilitate access to information through quality services and specific training, information or instruction programs for our audiences wherever they are, capitalizing on information and communication technologies.
The “Multiformat Digital Library” initiative seeks to value information resources through digital learning experiences, recognizing in the new generations of students an evolution in the way they learn and perceive the world around them, information is available immediately and in different formats such as audio, video, interactive and 3D multimedia, technology-enriched and augmented images, immersive learning resources, and virtual reality. https://biblioteca.tec.mx/Acercade/BDM
Know experiences in the development strategies of digital collections to support the development of digital learning experiences in the new challenges of education in mixed and distance modalities, as well as the enrichment of face-to-face modalities.
This webinar is 100% virtual and is intended for library staff and information professionals

August 31st, 2023
16:00 hrs CST (18:00 hrs EDT)

J. Vladimir Burgos Aguilar
Director Nacional de Bibliotecas Tecnológico de Monterrey
Director of the National Office of Libraries at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Adjoint member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group (R4C-IRG) for the study of complex thinking and open science at the Institute for the Future of Education of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Fellow of the UNESCO & ICDE Chair: Open Educational Movement for Latin America. Also, is member of the Council of the Regional Node of Open Education for Latin America – OE LATAM – sponsored by the OEGLOBAL Global Education Consortium.
Email address: [email protected]

Jesús Ríos
Líder de Biblioteca Digital y Desarrollo de Colecciones Tecnológico de Monterrey
Leader of the Digital Library and Collection Development at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has more than 25 years working in the system’s libraries in different positions, such as budget planning and administration, including training library staff and coordinating committees and working groups. He has extensive experience in teaching at the postgraduate level as a tutor, as well as advisor and Thesis reader in the Division of the Graduate School in Education of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, teaching courses in the Master of Information Sciences in Library Science and Knowledge Administration courses.
Email address: [email protected]
Evolution of the Digital Library: Learning styles and information consumption preferences